Would you wear this ‘shoe-like vessel’ made from genetically engineered bacteria?

Transitioning towards sustainable clothing practices is a must for combating climate change, so researchers are turning to bacteria for their fashion inspiration. As detailed in the research journal Nature Biotechnology,…

A sea creature extinct for half a billion years inspired a new soft robot

Plenty of robots are inspired by existing animals, but not as many take their cue from extinct creatures. To design their own new machine, Carnegie Mellon University researchers looked over…

Exploring Deep Sea Exploration

Scientists uncover mysteries in the depths of the ocean, from deep-sea creatures to unexplored ecosystems. A wonderful tranquility has taken proprietorship of my entirety soul, like these sweet mornings of…

Watch this cool, useless biohybrid robot take a stroll

As impressive as many biohybrid robotic projects are, they aren’t exactly known for their hairpin turns. In fact, it’s still pretty difficult to design an agile machine merging artificial materials…