How to improve autocorrect on iPhone and iPad

Even if you’ve never experienced a full-on, mortifying ‘Damn you, autocorrect!’ moment, you’ve probably still had irritations with the system on your iPad. We happen to think it’s quite good,…

Cola builds a messaging app

The homescreen is dead. Or at least that’s what the many companies trying to make it so people never have to use the springboard from which they can launch countless…

This app notification is a new breed of obnoxious

If you’re a frequent downloader of apps, you’ve probably found plenty that needlessly pester you with useless notifications. From “Rate me!” pleas to self-promotion, these incessant interruptions are often intermixed…

Take an 18-minute look at how to fool Touch ID with Tested and fake fingers

It’s possible to fool Touch ID but, as we’ve been saying since it came out, it isn’t easy. The folks atTested were curious about new methods of fooling the sensor…

Android Apps you cannot have on your iPhone

We see people flaunting their iPhones like it’s a fashion accessory. And while you have many that can afford an iPhone, the iOS still trails in the apps department that…